Home / Space, time and mass are artifacts of the human mind

Space, time and mass are artifacts of the human mind

Space, time and mass are artifacts of the human mind,
and have no real existence.

The fundamental qualities of nature are standing waves and events.
Space, time and mass arise in the human mind because of the
way man is hardwired. ( Self preservation ).

Man's languages, religions, philosophies and physics are
based on the HOPE that conserved objects ( Like man wants to be. )
vary in homogeneous media ( Space, time, magnetic flux, etc. )

Language - Noun and verb
Religion - Soul and heaven
Philosophy - "I" and "reality"
Physics - Conserved objects and homogeneous media

Space arises because the standing waves are combining ( Events )
exponentially. ( Entropy ). The exponential function occurs
when the rate of change in a population is a function of the

Events are occurring in the universe. Although these events can
drive local disassociations of standing waves, ( Positive entropy )
the global effect is the combining of standing waves ( Negative
entropy ).

Events expose the underlying standing wave pattern of the universe,
( Implicate order ), and parts of the pattern become explicate.
( The explicate order )

The implicate order takes the form of loops. ( Standing waves )
The explicate order takes the form of cycles.

Man identifies these cycles by auto-correlation
and compares them by cross-correlation.

Time is the ratio of two cycles,
one a reference, and the other the expressed time.

time(X) = cycle count(reference) / cycle count(X)

Space is the interval between events.
These intervals are ordered along some exponential
decay curve ( Ultimately that of the larger universe ),
and the separation between intervals is quantized
using the same reference cycle count as time.

space(X) = cycle count(reference) / interval(X)

Space is commonly multiplied by a
space per time constant "C" in order to
differentiate between time periods ( Real time )
and time intervals ( Space ).

distance(X) = space(X) * C

( Note that space is a time interval. )

Mass is a combination of time and space.
Man perceives aggregates of standing waves as objects.
One objects mass is another objects media.

mass(Sun) * G / C^3 = time interval(Earth)^3 / time period(common)^2

Note that G/C^3 is a time per mass constant,
and that G is simply a constant that is used to differentiate
between objects perceived to be fixed in media
from objects perceived to be varying in media.
Note that the Sun is perceived to be fixed in media
and it gets the "G" while the Earth is perceived to be
varying in media, and it gets the time ( 365.25 days )
and the space ( 93,000,000 miles ).

The bottom line is that space, time, and mass
cannot exist without standing waves and events.

Also note that "conserved" objects do not exist.
"The same you cannot step into the same river twice."

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