Home / Rubber clocks and rulers

Rubber clocks and rulers

Rational, intelligent science operates from the standpoint
of ONE CLOCK, driven by a ONE standard source of time units.
(An oscillator or bank of oscillators.)
against which all measurables are referenced.

Secondary clocks are instruments that
must be ultimately referenced to the
ONE CLOCK and the ONE time unit oscillator.

Science is the process of taking all the data
referenced to secondary oscillators and clocks,
correcting the data, and mapping it onto
the set of time units from time zero until the present
and projected into the future by various extrapolation models.

For example if one assumes that the universe was created 15 billion years
ago, or about 4.7 x10^17 seconds ago,
a scientific scale extends from time zero until today (4.7 x10^17 seconds),
and the time units at this point in time and space is a bank of oscillators
synced to a stable atomic process.

The little bits and pieces of artifacts such as tree rings,
evolutionary data, and historical works are only as valid
as they can be fit onto the ONE CLOCK, ONE time unit scale.

It is not scientific to treat all oscillating systems as
clock sources, and all accumulators, such as tree rings
and scratches on bones, as clocks.

There is ONE CLOCK and ONE time unit,
and the function of science to fit all data onto
the one scale using the simplest and most precise

Secondary oscillators and clocks are not real
oscillators and clocks, they are **data** that must be fitted
onto the ONE CLOCK and the ONE time unit scale.

In other words things like "sodium D lines"
and tree rings and the observed times transmitted
frequencies and so-called clock times,
from a remote satellite are NOT real times and real time units,
they are data, that must be referenced to the standard
clock and time unit.

The GPS satellite clock times
are sophisticated scratches on bones,
NOT rubber clocks.

Tom Potter


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