Home / Energy is NOT quanta.

Energy is NOT quanta.

Afterer Max Planck discovered that electro-magnetic radiation
was conveyed in quanta of ACTION,

Einstein came along and screwed up the works,
and now most people believe that light
(The visual portion of the electro-magnetic spectrum.)
is conveyed in quanta of energy.

Although electro-magnetic events ALWAYS occur in
units of ACTION, the energy involved in an interaction
is a function of the relative velocity between
the source and the sink.

Einstein, like most people,
was confused by the fact that
when a unit of ACTION acts on an atom
that has zero velocity relative to an observer
that there is a 1.0000 correlation between
the ACTION and the energy.

Note that when emitting atoms are moving
with respect to an observer,
as they are from stars and in most cases,
although there is a one to one correspondence between
the quanta of ACTION emitted
and the quanta of ACTION received,
the energy can vary considerably.

For example, if a body is moving away from the
observer, there is a "red shift",
and if a body is moving toward the observer,
there is a "blue shift".

Epicurus, Lucretius, Newton, Maxwell
and many others considered that light was conveyed
as particles, and modern science has found that
Nature can best be modeled as wave-like in some cases,
and particle-like in some cases.

It is sad that the Mass Media has brainwashed most people
to believe that events are conveyed in quanta of energy.

I suggest that inquiring folks download and read Planck's
Nobel Prize lecture, where he talks about
quanta of ACTION, the first, the only and the REAL quanta.

Tom Potter


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